Royelles Revolution Live!

On Saturday, January 26, 2019 in a beautiful and serene event space, fierce young girls and their adult role models met for the inaugural Royelles Revolution Live!. Chief Girl Crusader and Royelles Inc. Founder & CEO, Múkami Kinoti Kimotho, was our gracious host. The event was a well curated and intimate gathering for a diverse group of girls ages 10 -15. 

Mukami Kinoti Kimotho

The session opened with thought provoking meditation leading into a powerful conversation about purpose. The young ladies sat face to face with women leaders in STEM and arts who described the challenges that they faced as they journeyed paths less traveled. Múkami, a consummate host and captivating story teller, was warm and engaging with each of the girls. 

Patricia Medina/Royelles Revolution Live

 In our current social climate, Múkami has initiated an important conversation about self worth purpose and possibilities. Our young girls need to see theirselves reflected in areas that were once closed to women. They need to be encouraged to explore their full potential. As women, many of us are learning to explore the possibilities of all that can be in adulthood, imagine if we were equipped with these tools as young girls. Royelles Revolution Live allowed the young ladies the opportunity to dig deeper than self image. During the lunch break, the girls could be overhead discussing their career goals and how the lessons tied into their college aspirations and the areas of study that interested them. The diverse group of girls present made memorable connections through the immersive experience provided. 

Patricia Medina/Royelles Revolution Live

Throughout the experience, the girls engaged in self reflection and journaling activities, group affirmation exercises and indulged in a deliciously catered lunch and received complimentary gift bags. Múkami tended personally to each of the young ladies with her warm and welcoming charm. Everyone, including the adults in attendance, departed feeling inspired and uplifted. It is clear that Múkami is passionate about enriching the lives of young women. I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to capture photos and video as well as speak with a few of the young ladies and their mentors. This was an event unlike any other geared towards celebrating the uniqueness of individuality where your difference is your super power.

Play the video below:

If you know a 10-15 year old girl that deserves to be confident, authentic and fearless in her pursuit of all that is possible, then Royelles Revolution Live! is for her. For upcoming event details head over to